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A Day in the Life of KMK Web Developer Shaun


Hi, I’m Shaun Kehoe, a web developer at KMK Media. If you’ve ever wondered what a typical day looks like for someone in my role, here’s a peek into my daily routine. Spoiler alert: it’s a mix of strategy, creativity, and a lot of caffeine!

5:00 AM - The Day Begins
My alarm goes off bright and early. I’m a morning person, so I like to start my day with some quiet time. After getting ready, I let my dog out for a quick walk, enjoy a hearty breakfast, and mentally prepare for the day ahead. By 6:30, I’m on the road and ready to tackle whatever challenges come my way.

7:00 AM - Diving In
I’m usually one of the first people to arrive at the office. The first thing I do is check my emails and prioritize tasks for the day. Creating a detailed to-do list helps me stay focused and ensures I hit all my deadlines. With my plan in place, I dive straight into the first task on the list.

9:00 AM - Team Collaboration
Our staff meeting is one of the highlights of my morning. It’s a chance to connect with the entire team, share updates, and brainstorm solutions to any challenges we’re facing. Collaboration is at the heart of everything we do at KMK, and these meetings ensure we’re all aligned and working toward the same goals.

11:00 AM - Client Kickoff Meeting
Today, I joined an internal kickoff meeting for a new client website. This is where the magic begins—brainstorming ideas, discussing goals, and setting the foundation for a site that not only looks great but performs flawlessly.

12:00 PM - Lunch Break
Lunch is my time to recharge. It’s a time to unwind, catch up on some reading, or simply enjoy the peace before jumping back into work.

12:30 PM - Building Websites
After lunch, it’s back to work. Today’s focus is on the buildout of a new website. This part of the process involves bringing designs to life and ensuring the user experience is seamless. It’s a blend of creativity and technical precision that keeps me engaged and challenged.

1:00 PM - Brainstorming with Clients
This afternoon’s client brainstorming meeting was all about generating fresh ideas. Collaborating with clients is one of my favorite parts of the job because it allows me to understand their vision and find innovative ways to bring it to life.

3:00 PM - Afternoon Pick-Me-Up
Before jumping back into work, I take a quick commute break to finish the day from home. A change of scenery helps me stay productive during the final stretch of the day.

3:30 PM - Wrapping Up
The last part of my day is spent tying up loose ends. I revisit my to-do list to ensure everything is completed, address any client requests that have come in, and prepare for tomorrow’s tasks.

5:00 PM - Time to Clock Out
After a productive day, I log off and usually spend my evenings relaxing, catching up on personal projects, and spending time with my family.

Working at KMK Media is fast-paced and dynamic, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. No two days are ever the same, and that’s what makes it so exciting. Whether it’s building websites, brainstorming ideas, or collaborating with clients, I love being part of a team that’s dedicated to delivering amazing results. Thanks for tagging along on a day in my life!

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