
In today's fast-paced digital world, marketing has become an essential component of any business strategy. Our team of marketing experts has years of experience helping businesses of all sizes achieve their marketing goals and is excited to share the best tips, strategies and tactics to help you succeed.

The Creative Edge: Why AI Cannot Replace Your Marketing Team (at least not entirely)

Does it seem like everywhere you turn there’s news about artificial intelligence (AI) taking over another aspect of daily life? From turning on your lights to finding you the perfect end table, AI can cut down on the endless drudgery of our modern existence. But what about when it comes to the creative stuff we do as marketers?

AI has come a long way in replicating certain creative tasks like generating text, images, and even music. While AI promises enhanced efficiency, it lacks the unique human touch essential to many creative endeavors.

What Makes Human Creativity Superior to AI?
Human creativity springs from our life experiences, personalities, emotions and the ability to make unexpected connections. When a writer conjures up a metaphor that tugs at your heartstrings or an artist depicts a scene that vividly conveys an emotion, that's human creative genius at play.

AI systems today, while increasingly sophisticated, lack lived experiences that allow humans to infuse art with empathy, meaning and wisdom. Their outputs, while often technically sound, tend to be generic and sterile. There's also a real risk of producing inaccurate or contextually inappropriate content, jeopardizing brand consistency and potentially damaging reputation.

AI's Benefits for Marketing 

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Driven to Impress: The ABCs of Outstanding Billboard Design

Ever found yourself cruising down the highway, catching a glimpse of a billboard that made you do a double take? You know, the kind that makes you slam on the brakes just to take it all in? Well, my friend, that's the magic of good billboard design.

In a world cluttered with information and distractions, creating a billboard that stands out is like mastering the art of a perfectly brewed cup of coffee – it requires the right blend of elements. So, grab your creative hat and let's dive into what makes a billboard a roadside masterpiece!

1. Less is More:
Imagine you're driving at a breezy 65 mph (or maybe a little faster, we won't tell). You've got about 5 seconds to make an impression. That's right – 5 seconds! So, keep it simple. A clear message, bold fonts, and minimal clutter will ensure your audience gets the gist without causing a traffic jam.

2. Eye-Catching Imagery:
A picture is worth a thousand words, and on a billboard, it's worth even more. Choose images that resonate with your audience and are easy to understand. Bonus points for creativity – make 'em say, "Wow, I never thought a toothpaste ad could look so cool!"

3. Colors that Pop:
Picture this: a gray billboard against a gray sky. Yawn, right? Inject some color into your design! Vibrant hues can grab attention and make your billboard memorable. Just be careful not to blind anyone – unless, of course, you're advertising sunglasses.

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Jolly and Generous: Elevating Your Holiday Marketing with Charitable Sparkle

'Tis the season to be jolly, and what better way to celebrate than by infusing your holiday marketing with a generous dose of goodwill? In the spirit of spreading joy, businesses are increasingly recognizing the value of incorporating charitable initiatives into their holiday marketing strategies. As we deck the halls and wrap up the year, let's explore the positive impact of infusing your brand with purpose and meaning during this festive season.

The Power of Purposeful Marketing:
In a world where consumers are not just buying products but investing in values, purposeful marketing has become a key player in the business landscape. The holidays, with their emphasis on joy and giving, provide the perfect backdrop for brands to showcase their commitment to making a positive impact beyond the bottom line.

Building a Connection with Consumers:
The holiday season is a time when emotions run high, and consumers are seeking more than just material goods. By aligning your brand with a charitable cause, you tap into the innate desire for connection and meaning. Consumers appreciate businesses that demonstrate social responsibility, fostering a sense of trust and loyalty that extends beyond the holiday season.

Differentiation in a Crowded Market:
'Tis the season for a marketing extravaganza, with every brand vying for consumer attention. Incorporating charitable initiatives sets your brand apart in a sea of advertisements. When consumers see a brand making a positive impact, it creates a memorable and favorable impression, contributing to brand recall long after the decorations have been taken down.

Amplifying Brand Values:
The holiday season is an opportunity to showcase your brand's values authentically. Whether it's supporting local communities, environmental initiatives, or addressing social issues, aligning your brand with a cause communicates a deeper purpose. This authenticity resonates with consumers, fostering a positive perception of your brand that extends beyond the transactional.

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Marketing Lessons from Thanksgiving Traditions

In a world driven by technology and rapid change, there's a timeless holiday that reminds us of the power of togetherness, gratitude, and family values – Thanksgiving. Beyond the elaborate feasts and football games, this holiday offers valuable marketing lessons for businesses seeking to connect with their audience on a deeper, more meaningful level. Today, we'll explore how you can infuse your brand with the spirit of Thanksgiving traditions to express genuine family values and forge lasting connections with your customers all year.

The Importance of Authenticity
Thanksgiving is a celebration of authenticity. Just as families gather to share a sincere meal, your brand should aim to convey authenticity in its messaging and actions. Be transparent, honest, and consistent. Share your brand's journey, challenges, and successes to create a sense of trust with your audience.

Cultivating a Sense of Belonging
Thanksgiving brings people together from all walks of life, emphasizing the importance of belonging. Your marketing should create a similar feeling of inclusivity. Consider creating a community around your brand where customers feel like they're part of something bigger. Encourage conversations, share user-generated content, and acknowledge your customers' role in your brand's story.

Gratitude as a Marketing Strategy
At the heart of Thanksgiving is gratitude. Use this principle to show appreciation to your customers. Whether it's personalized thank-you messages, surprise discounts, or special offers, expressing gratitude can foster loyalty and long-term relationships.

Storytelling: Passing Down the Legacy
Thanksgiving is a time when families share stories, passing down their history and values. Apply this idea to your brand by sharing stories that reveal your company's ethos and the impact you aim to make. These stories can humanize your brand, making it relatable and memorable.

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Cursed Content: SEO Mistakes That Haunt Your Website's Performance

Welcome, webmasters and digital enthusiasts, to a spine-tingling exploration of the eerie world of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Just as ghostly apparitions can haunt a haunted house, certain SEO mistakes can cast a dark shadow over your website's performance, leaving it lost in the abyss of search engine results. In this guide, we're delving into the realm of cursed content—those nefarious SEO blunders that can send shivers down your website's spine. But fear not! We'll equip you with the knowledge and tools to exorcise these SEO demons and bring your website back to life.

1. Ghostly Keywords and Their Absence:

Mistake: Using outdated or irrelevant keywords or not using keywords at all.
Consequence: Your website won't appear in search results when users use relevant keywords, leading to decreased visibility.
Solution: Conduct thorough keyword research using tools like Google Keyword Planner. Select keywords that are relevant to your content and have a healthy search volume. Integrate them naturally into your content, including headings, subheadings, and meta tags.

2. The Curse of Duplicate Content:

Mistake: Duplicating content across multiple pages or copying content from other websites.
Consequence: Search engines penalize duplicate content, causing a drop in rankings and credibility.
Solution: Create original, high-quality content that adds value to your audience. Use established tags to indicate preferred versions of duplicate content and consider setting up 301 redirects for pages with similar content.

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Mind-Reading Marketers: How Personalization Rewrites the Rules

Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all approaches when it comes to marketing. Today, successful marketers understand the power of tailoring their messaging, creating dynamic content, and delivering personalized experiences. So, let's explore why personalization matters and how it can elevate your marketing strategies to new heights.

Tailored Messaging

Think about it - have you ever received an email or seen an ad that felt like it was made just for you? That's the magic of personalized messaging. It shows your audience that you understand them, their needs, and their preferences. By segmenting your audience and crafting messages that speak directly to their interests and pain points, you increase the chances of grabbing their attention and sparking their interest. Generic messages tend to fade into the background noise, but a personalized message can make all the difference in capturing someone's imagination and driving them to take action.

Dynamic Content

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, consumers are bombarded with an overwhelming amount of information. They are constantly seeking content that resonates with them, engages them, and adds value to their lives. This is where dynamic content comes into play. By leveraging data and technology, you can create customized content experiences that adapt to each individual's preferences, behavior, and past interactions. From personalized product recommendations to tailored website experiences, dynamic content allows you to provide a more relevant and compelling journey for your customers. By doing so, you enhance their overall brand experience and foster a deeper connection that goes beyond the transactional level.

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From Selfie to Success: The Power of Influencer Marketing

Ready to dive into the incredible world of influencer marketing – a space where brands can team up with their favorite creators to reach their audience in the most authentic way possible – but not sure where to start? Start right here!  KMK is here to spill the tea on finding the right influencers, negotiating epic partnerships, and measuring the success of your campaigns.

Step 1: Finding the Perfect Influencers

Finding the right influencers for your brand is like finding your perfect cup of coffee – it's all about the taste and vibe. Start by understanding your target audience and the type of influencers they follow. Look for creators who align with your brand values and share a genuine passion for what you offer. Remember, authenticity is key!

Step 2: Research, Research, Research!

Once you've identified potential influencers, it's time to dig deep and stalk – I mean, research – their content. Dive into their social media profiles, watch their videos, and read their blog posts. Get to know their style, tone, and audience engagement. Look out for the influencer's authenticity and connection with their followers. If it clicks, you're on the right track!

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The Psychology of Fall Colors: Your Guide to Crafting the Perfect Campaign Palette

If you’re anything like us, you’re over summer. The weather might not have gotten the memo yet, but we’re ready for fall! So, grab your pumpkin spice latte because today we're delving into the mesmerizing world of fall colors and their incredible power to shape emotions. As the leaves turn from green to gold, let's explore how you can harness the psychological impact of autumn hues to curate the ultimate color palette for your campaigns. Get ready to captivate your audience's senses—let's jump in!

Unveiling the Psychology Behind Fall Colors

Autumn isn't just a season; it's a feast for the eyes and a journey for the soul. The deep oranges, warm reds, rustic browns, and mellow yellows that paint the landscape during this time hold a special place in our hearts. But what's the science behind our infatuation with fall colors? It's all about psychology.

1. Orange: The Warm Embrace of Excitement
Ah, orange—the undeniable emblem of fall. This vibrant hue ignites feelings of enthusiasm, energy, and warmth. It's perfect for campaigns that aim to evoke a sense of excitement and adventure. Whether you're promoting a thrilling event or a limited-time offer, orange hues in your palette can set hearts racing and eyes sparkling.

2. Red: The Bold Agent of Passion
Bold and fiery, red captures attention like no other. It's the color of passion, courage, and determination. Incorporating red tones into your palette can infuse your campaign with a sense of urgency, making it ideal for flash sales or product launches where you want your audience to act swiftly.

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Is That Message From Meta Really From Meta?

Avoid Spam and Phishing Attaches on Your Business’s Social Media Accounts

In today's digital age, social media has become an integral part of business communication, brand promotion, and customer engagement. However, with its growing importance, the risk of spam messages and phishing attacks targeting your business’ social media accounts has also increased.

A popular scam on Facebook comes from ‘Meta’. No, not the actual ‘Meta’ but someone who created a fake account and is posing as ‘Meta Page Support.’ While the account may look legitimate with the ‘Meta’ icon as the page’s profile picture, with a little investigation we can see the red flags are flying high - the message is full of typos and the included link is suspicious.  

Let’s discuss essential strategies to safeguard your business from spam and phishing threats, and why you should be cautious of clicking on suspicious links.

The dangers of spam and phishing on social media:

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The Future of Digital Marketing: Dystopian Drama or Love Story?

Given the current state of the world, it’s not surprising that when we start hearing about advances in technology our minds go to the worst-case scenario. But when it comes to the future of digital marketing, the future looks much more like The Jetsons than Mad Max. In fact, it’s not a dystopian tale at all. It might just be a love story…

So, as we march into the future, let's explore the emerging trends and technologies that are shaping the digital marketing landscape, promising a whirlwind romance between brands and consumers. From the seductive powers of AI to the captivating allure of voice search, and the enchanting possibilities of augmented reality – it’s truly a thrilling journey.

AI: The Matchmaker Extraordinaire

In this digital love affair, Artificial Intelligence (AI) takes center stage as the ultimate matchmaker between brands and consumers. With AI-powered algorithms and machine learning, marketers can now personalize their content and campaigns to perfection. It's like having a personal stylist who knows exactly what you want before you even know it yourself! AI enables brands to analyze consumer behavior, preferences, and interactions, creating tailored experiences that leave a lasting impression.

Voice Search: The Siren's Call

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Google is Changing its Analytics July 1st, What You Need to Know.

Google Analytics is the gold standard when it comes to learning about user behavior and measuring marketing success but hold on tight because how that data is collected and presented is about to drastically change. On July 1, Google will transition from Universal Analytics to GA4, also known as Google Analytics 4.

If your website is still rocking the older version of Google Analytics or was created before 2021, pay attention! Why? Well, starting from July 1st, Google is swooping in and automatically converting properties to the newer GA4 version. Here’s the catch: during this conversion process, any data collected before the switch will be lost. Poof! Gone! However, if you have already made the switch, you’re in luck. You’ll have access to all the data accumulated since the transition. If you haven’t switched your properties over just yet, google does recommend that you do it manually before the big change over- it will be a smoother transition. It may also be the time to take a snapshot of any previous data collected on the old property.

Why the big switcharoo, you ask? It all boils down to privacy. Our lives are becoming more digital by the day and privacy concerns are on the rise. That’s where GA4 comes in. It takes a more granular, event-focused approach to data collection, instead of just relying on basic metrics about user behavior. And guess what? It even integrates app and mobile traffic into a unified analytics platform. ‘Cause let’s face it; we’re all glued to our phones these days! This change isn’t just about privacy, though. It’s part of the broader industry shift away from those pesky third-party cookies towards more secure and privacy-friendly tracking methods.

The switch may cause a disruption, but it also comes with some great benefits! We're talking about enhanced insights and making smarter decisions about your user base and behavior. Plus, it comes with stronger safeguards for personal privacy. So buckle up, get ready for the ride, and let's make the most of this analytics evolution!

Top Video Marketing Trends for 2023

First video came for the radio stars and now its coming for your marketing plan. Just kidding! It’s already here. The rise of social media platforms like Snapchat and TikTok continues to alter the marketing landscape – even if you don’t choose to promote your brand on these Gen Z-skewed platforms. The proliferation of videos from these newcomers has filtered down to Facebook and Instagram and has users primed to respond to video content and, more importantly, is being favored by the all-powerful algorithms.

We’ve established that video is a must for your digital marketing plans, in fact, you’re probably already creating video content and are ready to stop reading and move on with your day. DON’T! Yes, video has been around for a while, but the landscape is everchanging and what worked last year might already be dated.

Read on for the top video trends for 2023!

Flip Phones

You need to meet your audience where they are, which is on their phone. Recent studies found that 99% or 4.43 billion social media users access networks using a mobile device and 78% or 2.97 billion users access networks exclusively on their mobile phone. Every platform now features vertical video, from Instagram reels to YouTube shorts to Snapchat and TikTok. If you want to create compelling video, the first step is rotating that camera.

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The Best 2023 Super Bowl Ads

Last night, Rihanna took to the stage for an instantly iconic performance/baby announcement and advertisers flocked to the occasion to capture millions of eyeballs with their most creative and star-studded spots. Also, there was some football. It was truly an unforgettable night any way you look at it, but since this is a marketing blog and not a Rihanna stan account (unfortunately) we will look at the ads. 

Best Use of Nostalgia: Clueless, Rakuten
I may be biased because Clueless is one of my favorite movies, but this reboot was pitch-perfect. Plus, it made sense for the brand. Who better to promote a site that offers cash back for shopping than the queen of shopping herself, Cher Horowitz?

Best Story: Jack’s New Angle: Doritos
This spot had it all; an inciting incident, a climax and a twist ending featuring a surprise celebrity cameo. Are the nominations still open for best short film?!

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Budding Designers

A few months ago, I was asked to judge a design competition for local high school students studying graphic design. I saw this as a great opportunity to see the talents of young future designers and offer professional guidance.

Twenty-nine eager students from several area high schools were given a choice from five actual “business clients” seeking either a business card, social media post, or an app design. The students had two months to design a final product that accurately represented their chosen client. With the help of the judges and their teachers, the students were guided through the design process to gain real-world knowledge of a career as a graphic designer.

The first stage of the competition taught the students to hand sketch their design concept. All too often we, as designers, get caught up in a “I need it now” world and begin the concepting stage at the computer. However, I was instructed early in my career that there are no limitations in creativity from the hands. Whereas when using a computer, my limit is restricted by fonts, flow, and freedom (the 3 Fs).

After the students received constructive criticism from the judges, they took that advice with them to the next stage: digital. They “tightened up” their designs and translated them into a digital design more appealing to the eye.

After the judges reviewed the digital design, the next step was execution. During this stage the students made final adjustments and submitted their final design for evaluation. The judges chose the top 10 designs based on creativity and following guidance and direction.  Students received awards in 4 categories: Typography, Vision, Illustration, Progress and Design.

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How to Create Your Own Publicity

As that great ad man Don Draper once said, “if you don’t like what's being said, change the conversation.” Tweaked for public relations, “if you don’t have anything newsworthy – make it.” Now, we’re not suggesting you pull a Peggy Olson and pay people to fight over your product in store to generate publicity, but public relations is often less about waiting for something newsworthy to happen with your company and more about creating something newsworthy to gain media attention.

A few (non-shady) ways to generate good PR:

Hold a Contest

Find something related to your brand and ask your followers to make a video/paint a picture/write a song about it and then pick a winner! You’ll get the media mentions promoting the contest as well as the follow-up once you award your winner. Pro-tip, the more deserving your pool of contestants - i.e., teachers, nurses, volunteers - the more media coverage you’ll attract. Recently, we held a contest for our client Yowie to award a local teacher $1000 for their classroom and Yowie chocolate for the whole school! We secured two interviews for the Yowie CMO leading up to the contest and coverage of the award presentation!

Give a Gift

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Does This Match?

My wife, a high school educator, was picking out her outfit for the next day’s work. She brought me the outfit she was putting together and asked me, “Does this match?” Instead of the traditional husband answer of “yes” (always the safest one), my answer was a typical answer of a graphic designer. I provided a detailed explanation that utilized my background in design to describe my reasoning of why the colors of her outfit don’t match. Amazingly enough, after my thorough explanation of color theory, she thanked me. She still asks me occasionally for advice on her outfits but not as much. I think she is either afraid of a long-winded response or figuring it out on her own.

Whether it be with patterns or colors, everybody utilizes matching skills in everyday life. So, is there a right way to match or is it by personal choice? My answer is a simple “YES”. It is both a personal choice and a correct way combined. For example: when designing for a client, one of the many questions to ask is a color preference. They may not prefer certain colors because it is used by a competitor or just a color they never liked. It is the task of a graphic designer to make the client’s choices of colors work whether they are compatible or not.

One choice of compatibility might be warm colors (reds, yellows, oranges, etc.) together or cool colors (greens, blues, purples, etc.), mostly because they share a common mix of colors. The use of a color wheel can be very helpful in the process. It will show those compatibilities using primary and secondary colors. Once you have your colors figured out, try using variations of them. Instead of green use a lime green, instead of red try a burgundy for a richer look.

Once the color choices have been made, your next variable relies on your audience. What is your client’s focus group? Is it moms, young children, teens, or elderly? If you decide on red, yellow, or orange, the primary bright versions may work for the young crowd but for parents or a slightly older audience, richer colors are ideal. Such as a deeper red like a burgundy, or a deeper version of yellow like ochre or a brighter rust for orange. For the elderly, perhaps choose a toned down or muted version of those colors to create a peaceful aesthetic.

So does it match? Ask the client and if they are unsure, make subtle suggestions and comparisons. Some may think they know; some may need a little push in the right direction and others may claim defeat and ask the expert (you) for advice.

Where on the Web is Your Site?

How far do you travel when you search online? The third page? The second? Or do you only look at the top five results?

Imagine if your website was on the 30th or even the 15th page of Google or Bing. It would rarely, if ever, see traffic. This is where SEO comes in. Sprinkle keywords strategically throughout your site (and create landing pages on the backend) and traffic to your website will increase! Keep reading for more tips and tricks to improve your site’s SEO!

Let’s Break it Down!

SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” Essentially, you place keywords or phrases throughout your website to improve your website’s visibility when people search for products or services that are related to your company to drive organic traffic. The tactfully placed words or phrases notify search engines’ algorithms that your page belongs in a search query.

By focusing on improving your website’s SEO, your site will rank higher in search engines. The higher it’s ranked, the more often people will come across your company. The more people who come across your company, the more ROI you will have. You can’t earn revenue or gain new customers if prospective customers can’t find you online. Over 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine!

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Find Me!

Doesn’t it pique your curiosity? Where is it going to take you? We know them as QR codes or Quick Response Codes, those funny patterned squares used to lead the viewer to a website, social media page or even a menu at a restaurant. It’s free, convenient, and easy, mostly because the majority of the world’s population has the ability to use them with their cell phones.

When they were first introduced an app on your phone needed to be downloaded. Eventually, as they became more popular the app became obsolete and the camera on your phone could capture them and take you to the online destination.

So, how does a QR code work?

The large corner squares tell your device it’s a QR Code and all the little squares (or dots if you prefer) are 3-digit binary codes of each part of the URL you want to link to. For example one small portion will read as Code 000, another 001 then 010 and so on.

Anyone can create one by logging on to sites like: and placing the URL of your choice in the space needed. The URL can be from anything found on the internet: favorite video clip on social media, your Etsy craft shop,  a favorite restaurant, website, email, even your phone number! But wait there’s more!

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How to Keep Your Organization’s Social Media Relevant and Fun

Social media is a great way to advertise your business and with 1.86 billion active users a month on Facebook alone, it’s no longer optional, but essential. However, if you’ve fallen into the rut of simply pushing out posts about your products or services, you’re doing social media wrong.

The beauty of social media is that it allows you to interact and engage with your audience while showing off your brand’s personality. Posts show up in the same place where people get daily updates from friends and family. Keeping your social media content conversational will help customers see you as personable and engender deeper brand loyalty. Keeping a consistent voice for your brand is important. Here are a few ways to inject your feed with a little joy while still staying on message!

  1. Get “Real” in Stories: Most of the time, companies fall into a routine with their social media marketing because they find it overwhelming. From new platforms to new features, it can feel impossible to keep up with current trends. But you don’t need to become a TikTok star to have some fun. Leverage stories (on Instagram and/or Facebook) to show quick, behind-the-scenes looks at your company culture. Have a fun snack at your staff meeting? Throw it into your story. Get a shipment of a cool new product? Film an unboxing. The best part is that stories are only visible for 24 hours, so it removes the pressure of the post needing to “look right” or fit in with your overall feed. Once you loosen your expectations, you open yourself up to creativity!
  1. Make a Day of It: It may seem annoying that every little thing gets its own day, but for social media content creation, it’s a godsend. Looking up a list of national days at the beginning of each month is a super simple way to plan out some easy, light content. Find a day that fits in with your brand and the post practically writes itself. Check out this post KMK created for Butitta Brothers in honor of Rocky Road Day for proof of how easy content creation can be.
  1. Flex Your Funny Bone: It may or may not be true that the internet was created for the sole purpose of sharing funny memes. And even if that’s not true, it’s still a popular activity. Get in on the action with some memes that relate to your industry. You can search for pre-made memes (just be sure to credit the creator) or you can create your own. Creating a meme is as easy as finding a popular celebrity photo and adding your own text. Check out the Girlboss feed for a masterclass.
  1. Put a Ring on It (AKA Engage): Social media is the best chance to speak directly to your customers. So treat it like an actual conversation and respond! If someone takes the time to comment on your post, reply. Not only will more comments boost your post’s visibility, but the more you act like a human being, the more your customers will think of you like one and treat you accordingly. And you don’t need to wait for someone else to make the first move. Go ahead and follow your followers, engage with their content and see if they return the favor (they probably will). Doing so results in wins all around and the forging of a loyal bond. And people buy from people and companies they like and can relate to.

The bottom line is, although most companies view social media as a vital marketing tool (which it is), don’t forget it started as a means to socialize. Do you want to be the boring person at the party who can only talk about work? Of course not. So, have some fun! 

Digital Marketing is Taking Over the World, And We Have the Stats to Prove It

2022 Digital trend image of woman on laptop

The digital world is the new norm and how it evolves affects everyone in various ways, especially businesses. Over the past year, Hootsuite and We Are Social compiled an overview called the “Digital 2022 Global Overview Report,” detailing all things digital including social media, search engines, e-commerce, online ads, and more. This “must-know data” is key to what agencies like ours interpret and use in giving our clients the best digital strategies to fit their needs and target audience.

Intrigued about key digital takeaways over the past year? Here’s a snapshot of what you need to know:

The continued rise in social media users: Social media users have risen 10.1% over the last year. There are now 4.62 billion people using social media around the world. With the increase in social media users skyrocketing year after year, it is important for your business to use the right platform to reach its audience. Your audience is there, and your competitors are there, too.

The continued rise in social media advertising: In 2021, the global social media advertising spending (USD) was $154 billion, which is $23 billion more than it was in 2020. One-third (33.1%) came from Facebook. Facebook is currently the world’s most used social platform. Features like Ad Manager make advertising on social media reliable and trackable. Despite tightening marketing budgets in the face of the pandemic, businesses continued to put more money into social media ads. More than half of the 18,100 marketers who contributed to the social trends 2022 report said they’re planning to increase their paid spending in 2022.

Results driven by an analytical overview show that brand awareness on Facebook greatly impacts a company’s ROI. Therefore, it may be time to put your company’s Facebook to use and begin paid ads.

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